
What do we do when the future seems scary? We eat.

an artist's rendering of the First Thanksgiving.

Long ago man discovered America. It was a land of plenty, a land of freedom, and then these Pilgrims showed up. Learning to share the bounty was difficult, and the only power greater than the tension was fear. Many Pilgrims didn't think they could make it through the Winter, and many of them were correct. Some Indians at last decided to help out the poor settlers and all parties put aside their differences and feasted together. This simple act assuaged many fears the Indians may have had about the New World that was developing. Of course they were right the first time, and never should have let those Pilgrims lull them away from suspicion. But regardless, for the duration of that historic meal, all seemed safe and all seemed right. We should remember the lesson of this story: when the future seems bleak, it's probably just because you are hungry. Or is it food cures all?

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